Working Together
Home/school contract
Parents are asked to read and sign our home/school contract prior to their child starting school.
Pupil voice
Each class has a pupil representative on our School Council and Eco team. They meet half-termly to discuss all aspects of school life e.g. playground equipment, snack food, animal care, recycling.
We encourage opinions, group decision making and action! Questionnaires are sometimes used to find out what children think about certain aspects of school life.
Parent Voice and Involvement
We actively encourage parents/carers to become more involved in their child’s education and parental views are sought and listened to in many ways.
Friends of Hawthorns – Our school charity
Parent/carer questionnaires sent out with Annual Review.
Parent View – available on the school website
Home-school books/IEP meetings/Annual Reviews/Post Admission/CAF/Medical meetings
Parent workshops, currently ran virtually /Let’s get Cooking/AQP sessions/ coffee mornings/fundraising events/class and special assemblies/Sports Day and sporting events/Newbridge Newsletter, every term.
Parents on Governing Body – vacancies advertised on the website. Different agencies are sometimes invited to talk to Governors about their role in school e.g.Family Liaison Officer, Data team.