Hawthorns School

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Communication with Parents

Hawthorns School has an open door policy.

Staff will always seek to respond to parents’ requests to meet or for support on the same day.

Parents can contact school via telephone, class email, home/school book, face to face meeting and direct messaging through class Twitter pages.

At the initial meetings and transition visits, we aim to find out as much information about your child as possible.

We complete detailed admission documentation with parents and carers to understand your child’s needs, their family, routines, development, previous school information, health needs etc. Parents/Carers can contact class to arrange a time to meet if they have any concerns.

Other professionals working with each child will also contact parents/carers as necessary.

Each class has their own Twitter page which has daily posts so parents can see what their child has been up to during their school day.

We also have half term.

We have started to invite parents into school again for class assemblies and we hope to extend this by holding coffee mornings for parents in the future

There is a Friends of Hawthorns Association that relies on and involves parents in fund raising events.

We have a school website that has school information, including class pages and school policies.

We also have Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Jones to support home school links and a Parent Advocacy, Mrs Liz Hillier who supports parents/ cares and families relating to SEND issues, signposting them to relevant support.  For more information about Hawthorns Parent Advocacy, click here

Plus our new Parentapp, which is our main way of informing parents about school matters. 

For more information out the app, including how to install, click on the link below

Parent app presentation for parents and carers.

Parent app step by step installation report.