Hawthorns School

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Assemblies and Collective Worship


Where appropriate, across the pathways, we have a weekly achievers assembly to enable pupils to share and celebrate their achievements. 

We have reintroduced class assemblies for our older children in the Aspire Pathway, throughout the year.  The children share what they have learnt about important events in history events such as Remembrance Day and celebrations including Diwali.   Parents and carers from these classes are invited to come along and watch. 

Examples of assemblies include:

  • A weekly celebration assembly where pupils’ achievements in the classroom and outside of school are celebrated.
  • This also includes recognising good attendance.
  • An assembly based on a charity or organisation: Red Nose Day, Children in Need, World Wildlife Fund
  • An assembly tied in with a nationwide event or awareness campaign, such as Anti-Bullying Week or World Book Day.
  • An assembly based on current affairs, such as climate change or food poverty.
  • Assemblies to address an issue that is affecting pupils, such as bad behaviour at playtimes.
  • A class assembly, where one class leads the assembly, usually showing what they’ve been learning, e.g. through showing work, drama, dance and music.
  • Singing assemblies where children learn new songs
  • Assemblies to celebrate Sports Week and other key themed weeks and events during the year – Harvest, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Easter etc.

Collective Worship

In accordance with DfE legislation, all special schools must, “so far as is practicable”, provide daily collective worship for every pupil that must be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.’

The school recognises the right of parents to withdraw their children from religious worship and instruction under the 1986 Education Act.

Where possible alternative arrangements will be made for children who are withdrawn.  The school has no religious affiliation.

Collective worship is an opportunity for a daily, short session of quiet calm and reflection and will vary depending upon the ages and needs of individual and classes of children.

It may be linked to the R.E. theme, a story/poem, current events, music, personal values, artefacts or objects, posters, videos, thoughts, feelings etc.

We endeavor to make Collective Worship meaningful for all our children and allow opportunities for discussion, questions and non-verbal responses. 

Collective Worship does not always take place in a school assembly- where it does, it is kept separate to allow time for pupils/staff to leave the room if necessary.