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RE Rationale.pdf


At Hawthorns School we believe that RE has an important role in preparing pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It enables pupils to develop respect for and sensitivity to others, in particular those whose faiths and beliefs are different from their own. It promotes discernment and enables pupils to combat prejudice.

Religion is the experience and the expression of faith. Learning about religion and learning from religion are important for all pupils, as RE helps pupils develop an understanding of themselves and others. RE promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of individuals, and of groups and communities. In particular, RE offers pupils with learning difficulties opportunities to:


  • develop their self-confidence and awareness
  • understand the world they live in as individuals and as members of groups
  • bring their own experiences and understanding of life into the classroom
  • develop positive attitudes towards others, respecting their beliefs and experience
  • reflect on and consider their own values and those of others
  • deal with issues that form the basis for personal choices and behaviour.


At Hawthorns we use the EQUALS semi-formal RE curriculum for pupils working predominantly at or below the pre-key stage standards. Children working below the pre-key stage standards, typically children in the Communication and Enrichment pathway, will experience RE through immersive experiences and celebrations.

There are two attainment targets for RE in the non-statutory national framework for RE: learning about religion and learning from religion.

Learning about religion

For all pupils, their knowledge and understanding of different religions begins with awareness that some objects and people are special. They start to experience different religions in their own community and the wider world. They learn about similarities and differences and recognise the value of contact with people practicing different religions.

Teaching this attainment target across key stages can help pupils to:

encounter religious ideas expressed in a range of ways, for example, through pictures and sounds

  • explore the special elements in Christianity and other religions represented in the UK, for example, music, food and artefacts
  • find out how people express their religious beliefs, for example, singing and prayer
  • discover how religions deal with loss and bereavement
  • meet and communicate with people practising Christianity and other religions represented in the UK
  • find out about religion in their community
  • recognise and celebrate the similarities and differences in people and religions
  • become familiar with a range of stories from Christianity and other religions and cultures

Learning from religion

Learning from religion begins with awareness that each pupil is personally valued and that others are special too. Pupils with learning difficulties should have opportunities to explore what it means to be part of a group and to learn how to share with others. They express their ideas and feelings in a variety of ways.

Teaching this attainment target across key stages can help pupils to:

  • appreciate the world
  • explore the significance of, and ask questions about, what they learn
  • explore the things, times and events that are special in their lives, for example, music, food and celebrations
  • experience times of stillness and quietness and develop the skill of reflection
  • share feelings, experiences and their work with others
  • appreciate the value of others and of being part of a group
  • develop an understanding of moral values.

At Hawthorns we meet the legal requirements for Religious Education and ensure that Religious Education is

broad and balanced. To make sure the requirements are met and the curriculum is broad and balanced:

  • Christianity is visited throughout each key stage; Christianity will be taught through key celebrations; Christmas and Easter at various depths in line with pupils needs.
  • The other principal religions represented in Great Britain; Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism will

be studied across the key stages through key celebrations at various depths in line with pupil needs. These celebrations include;

Buddhism: Wesak

Hinduism: Diwali

Judaism: Purim

Sikhism: Vaisakhi

Islam: Eid

For any pupils working beyond the levels within the Equals Scheme of work for RE, the agreed Tameside SACREs RE syllabus and schemes of work will be used.


Adapted from EQUALs RE scheme of work)


In response to the vast opportunities provided, pupils can make progress in RE: 

  • by moving from a personal to a wider perspective
  • by increasing their knowledge of religious beliefs, practices and experiences
  • through developing understanding of the meaning of stories, symbols, events and pictures
  • through developing and communicating their individual responses to a range of views.

Children’s experiences and learning within RE is captured though Evidence For Learning using the RE tag or evidence gathered against the framework objectives. Data on RE attainment is captured annually.