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Science Rationale PDF


At Hawthorns School we aim to help our pupils learn about the world around them and understand the role of science in our everyday lives. Moreover, we aim to prepare our pupils for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.

This is made possible through delivering high quality, interesting and engaging science lessons and opportunities, using scientific contexts to develop and consolidate cross curricular skills in Literacy, Maths and Computing. 

Through developing and extending pupils’ scientific knowledge, understanding and ability to work scientifically by involving pupils in planning, carrying out and evaluating investigations we are able to ensure that all pupils are appropriately challenged to make good progress in science.

Teachers plan and deliver high-quality and engaging science lessons incorporating a range of teaching and learning styles. At Hawthorns,  teacher’s provide opportunities for pupils to learn about science, where possible, through first hand practical experiences. We develop pupil’s research skills through the appropriate use of secondary sources. Pupil’s plan and carry out investigations with an increasing systematic approach as they progress through the school this helps to develop their questioning, predicting, observing, measuring and interpreting skills. Pupil’s engage and learn about science using the outdoor learning environment including Outdoor Education and Forest School sessions.



Science at Hawthorns is implemented through a range of exciting, individualised and accessible frameworks. Scientific knowledge and enquiry skills are developed with increasing depth and challenge as children move through the year groups and pathways.

Through the implementation of accessible cross curricular and discrete teaching of science children are able to learn and retain the important, useful skills and knowledge. The progression of these skills are set out in the frameworks provided for the staff to enable scientific learning to be differentiated and accessed at the appropriate level for the individual learners. Lessons have a clear focus and provide multiple opportunities to embed scientific knowledge and develop scientific skills.

There are also opportunities to regularly review and evaluate children's understanding. Through the use of clear, structured frameworks for assessment and schemes of work, the staff are supported in enabling them to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities whilst also allowing our staff to be adaptable in the delivery of skills and knowledge dependent on the needs of their pupils.

Science in the Connecting to the Social World Pathway:

Within Connections (Connecting to the Social World) science is not directly taught as a subject but the basic principles such as cause and effect and exploration and woven throughout all areas of our curriculum. We investigate with exploratory actions during messy play, we observe outcomes in groups such as Attention Autism, Early Learning and Communication and we investigate functions during functional play, curiosity and cause and effect sessions.

Science in the First Steps Pathway:

In the First Steps Pathway Science is covered in the ‘Understanding the World’ area of the First Steps Curriculum. It is introduced indirectly through activities that encourage all the children to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions, and talk about the world around them.

Within the 3 classes in First Steps children will explore a variety of things, including, creatures, people, plants, and objects, all within their natural environments. They will observe and manipulate objects and materials to identify differences and similarities.  They will also learn to use their senses, feeling dough or listening to sounds in the environment, such as sirens or farm animals.

All 3 classes have areas within their continuous provision to encourage further thinking and exploration into Understanding the World, such as, Water Tray, Sand Tray, Construction Area, Small World Area, Playdough Area, etc. the provision offered in these areas allows the children to independently explore Science.

At times our topics will be based around Understanding the World, such as, Minibeasts, Dinosaurs, All about me, Seasons, Under the Sea, Space, Festivals, etc.

This is all then further developed through children’s communication and interaction and adults’ input and interactions with them.

Science in the Connecting with Learning Pathway:

From the EYFS Classes of Connections to Holly Class, Science is taught through exploratory learning opportunities, using immersive and multi-sensory approaches to ignite pupils curiosity. 

Cherry Class are beginning to work scientifically by taking part in fun and immersive learning opportunities that they are beginning to independently take part in.

Blossom and Elder teach Science using the framework and working scientifically, where pupils are provided with opportunities to build their scientific awareness and understanding of the world around them.

Science in the Enrichment Pathway:

In the Enrichment Pathway science is taught within a three-year topic cycle along with other subjects. Lessons are practical and hands on and focus of key scientific skills such as observation and prediction, as well as some scientific knowledge.

Additionally, it is taught throughout the year as experiential learning and a vehicle towards other academic areas. This gives the students access to a wide range of topics and life experiences.

Science in the Aspire Pathway:

Within the Aspire Pathway, weekly science lessons based on working scientifically that hone in on the speaking and listening skills of our children. Within working scientifically, children are engaged by experiments and given the creative freedom to plan, reflect and observe which are all skills that can be used within their educational and adult life.

Science topics which are knowledge and skills based to encourage interest around the field.

The intent behind science being taught this way is giving the children creative control that leads to natural curiosity across the subject whilst also developing skills that can be used in everyday life.



In Science, progress is measured through a child’s ability to know more, remember more and explain more. This can be measured in different ways within our assessment systems the focus for learning being on developing their science skills to show how the pupil ‘works scientifically.’

Attainment and progress can be measured across the school using our Evidence for learning assessment books. Using the assessment books to record against the designated units in the Scheme of work allows science to maintain the subjects profile.

Children who feel confident in their science knowledge and enquiry skills will be excited about science, show that they are actively curious to learn more and will see the relevance of what they learn in science lessons to real-life situations and also the importance of science in the real world. Developing the curiosity of pupils through an engaging focus allows science to impact on prediction, observation and recording opportunities.