Hawthorns School

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An Update from Mr Curtis (17.1.25)

It has been a bust start to the term at Hawthorns.
After the disruption of the first week, we've been hard at work and out in the community.
This half term in P.E. Pine and Willow's focus is dance/movement, their first session on Tuesday was all about Jack Frost.
Beech Class had an obstacle course race in outdoor learning and had a visitor in class for their topic session on 'Dinosaurs' that really brought the lesson to life.
Chestnut's trip to the Science and Industry Museum on Monday was superb and linked really well to their topic of "how things have changed".
Also, Willow class have been recreating the Roman invasion of Britain in their topic lesson.
I'd also like to thank families, once again, for their understanding with the school closure last week and in the feedback to us at the time.

An Update from Mr Curtis - 17.1.25